After leaving the corporate world to raise her two daughters, Kristine began contemplating part time work when her youngest entered kindergarten. In 2012, at just the right time, she was given the opportunity to follow her passion for health and fitness by becoming a group fitness instructor for a core strength class and personal trainer for small group HIIT. In early 2017, after receiving word that her gym was closing, Kristine began looking for a new home for herself and her small group members. Although she had never taken a CrossFit class, nor had any interest at the time, a local CrossFit welcomed them in and created a conditioning class to meet their needs.

For years, Kristine had believed the many misconceptions about CrossFit, such as everyone had to lift the same weight and do the exact same exercises, including incredibly complex lifts and gymnastics, which led to her lack of interest. However, by the end of her first class she realized how wrong she’d been. The coach provided excellent guidance and scaling options based on Kristine's abilities and physical limitations. What was most surprising was that the experienced CrossFitters were also extremely helpful, encouraging and supportive. Within weeks she got her L1 and eventually began coaching. 

One of the many aspects of CrossFit that Kristine loves is that there is always room for improvement, new skills to learn, new weights to hit and times to beat. The workouts are always changing, yet there are benchmarks to track progress. Most of all, Kristine loves that CrossFit utilizes functional movements that will keep her body strong and able to handle the demands of growing older.

As a coach, teacher and trainer, Kristine has always loved helping people at all stages of their fitness journey move well and make progress towards their goals. She finds it incredibly rewarding to help athletes that are new to CrossFit, or even exercise, discover their capabilities. Perhaps the most rewarding part of Kristine’s CrossFit experience has been the friendships and deep connections she has made as a part of the community. It’s amazing to have a second family cheering you on and helping you to be your best.

Kristine, her husband Geoff, teenage daughters Sadie and Amelia and their black lab Louie live in Plymouth. Together they enjoy spending time at the beach, live music, skiing, tennis, travel and spending time with family and friends.


  • CrossFit Level 2 Trainer (CF-L2)

  • Judges Course 2022

  • Spot the Flaw

  • NSCA Personal Trainer

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